Rebecca Douglas


Rebecca is a lifestyle and branding photographer based in Ramsgate, UK. Sensing light and connection is something she feels with every fiber of her being and a day doesn’t go by where she doesn’t pause to appreciate that she gets to live out her purpose in her work.

She is a curious soul, she adores life, she thrives on creating in the moment, seeing how people and place connect and how to wrap epic light around all of that.

She is a water woman and loves sea swimming and paddle boarding all year round. There is something so special about grounding by the sea. Protecting our coastline is part of her DNA and she works to create a positive impact through the work she does and her ocean activism.


Instagram: @rebeccadouglasphotography

Facebook: @rebeccadouglasphotography

Twitter: @BxDouglas


Tawn Moore


Shelby Warwood